CEE in 2022: Working toward a greater good for all
中东欧寻求一个健康的、碳中和的经济,为所有人服务. 拥有超过30年的节能经验, 我们在技术研究背后协调互补战略, program development and implementation, community engagement, policy advocacy, and project financing.
We lead with equity. 我们努力为明尼苏达州及其他地区的所有社区成员提供广泛的定制能源解决方案, especially historically underserved populations. When we do it right, we believe everyone — regardless of class, race, geography, 或者性别——更有可能实现我们新兴的清洁能源未来的经济和健康效益.
在中西部北部的家庭、建筑和社区工作,我们的项目和服务是 built by and for collaboration. Our research informs the technologies we pursue. Policy perspectives guide program strategies. 竞争性融资有助于提高家庭和靠谱的外围竞猜app的能效. 比如我们生活和工作的丰富多样的社区, 我们所做的一切都交织在一起,最强大的时候 我们正在齐心协力,为所有人创造更大的福祉.
2022 estimated savings
Community is our cornerstone

Efficiency excellence with a community anchor. Sabathani社区中心是一个由黑人领导的非营利组织,其使命是为社区提供“必要的资源,激励他们改善生活,建设一个繁荣的社区”.” With ambitious energy goals, Sabathani与CEE和其他社区利益相关者合作,使Sabathani成为足球外围app哪个靠谱如何提供大量资金的一个例子, social, and environmental benefits to businesses, residents, and the southside community at large.
Next door to the community center, CEE的新家园团队为Sabathani的高级住宅公寓大楼的建造和认证提供了支持, 使建筑能够满足EPA的能源之星住宅新建筑项目的效率要求.

Partnering with tribal nations. 中东欧的技术专长正在支持部落社区的清洁能源工作. 与土著太阳社区电力发展公司合作, 我们的研究人员正在红湖和立岩保留地进行电动汽车指标分析,以量化部落间电动汽车充电网络的运营成本和减排.
In 2023, 我们正在与“土著太阳”和其他机构合作,评估在红湖实现供暖和制冷服务电气化的障碍和机会, part of a three-state study with tribal communities. 研究人员将探索电力提供的供暖和制冷服务的弹性,并评估农村土地上可再生能源和能源储存的发展.

Empowering our clean energy workforce. In Minnesota, 劳动力普遍短缺和许多行业预期的“银发海啸”等挑战威胁着清洁能源经济维持或加速增长的能力. 这些挑战要求我们为经常被排除在经济繁荣之外的弱势群体创造无障碍的职业道路.
In 2022, CEE的劳动力发展项目吸引并培训了近40名有色人种和女性从事清洁能源事业. To reach key audiences, 该项目与美国CAPI等具有特定文化背景的组织建立并培养了有意义的社区关系, Migizi, Hmong American Partnership, Emerge, and Urban Roots.
Our Impact
2022 Revenue & Expenses Charts

Tom Garry, Chairperson
Amanda Novak, Vice Chair
Nancy Tyra-Lukens, Treasurer
LisaBeth Barajas
Ralph Dickinson
Julia Donaldson
Jimmy Loyd
Non-voting Officers of the Corporation
Chris Duffrin, President
Stephanie Haddad, Corporate Secretary
Shonda Biddle商业和工业能源发展总监
Dave Bohac, PE, Senior Director of Research
Chris Duffrin, President
Kristen Funk他是商业和工业能源高级总监
Cindy Greenwood, Director of Human Resources
Stephanie Haddad, Chief Operating Officer
Tim Hanrahan, Director of Communications
Jim Hasnik, Director of Lending Services
Carl Nelson, Senior Director of Program Development
Rebecca Olson他是住宅和社区能源高级总监
Tom Spielman, Director of Information Technologies
Judy Thommes, Director of Operations
Doug Will, Chief Financial Officer